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Luana Lacerda

Registered Foreign Lawyer | Advogada

Lawyer Luana Lacerda with shoulder-length hair smiling, wearing a blazer and necklace, in black and white.

Practice Overview

Luana is a qualified and experienced legal professional across three distinct legal jurisdictions and her practice has a strong international dimension. She has a particular expertise in both assisting Portuguese speakers living in the UK and abroad.

Luana's practice spans civil, family, and immigration law, where she provides both judicial and extrajudicial legal representation to clients in the UK, Portugal, and Brazil. She has extensive experience in multi-jurisdictional cases, ensuring her clients receive tailored solutions that comply with the complexities of international legal systems.

Luana has built a solid reputation through years of experience delivering comprehensive legal services to clients facing cross-border challenges as well as in cross-over cases. Her expertise in civil, family, and immigration law across multiple jurisdictions allows her to offer strategic legal guidance while respecting the nuances of different legal systems.

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238 Gray’s Inn Road, Bloomsbury, London WC1X 8HB
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