Corporate Social Responsibility

Our vision is to be a socially responsible business which promotes ethical practices and develops sustainably.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility Framework details how we will deliver this vision and incorporates three key themes:

Inclusion: we celebrate equality and diversity, embrace difference and individuality and promote well-being. We will continue to create a welcoming and inspiring environment for our people, service users and partners.

Community: at Black Antelope Law, we’re proud to work together with communities at a local, national and global level. We collaborate with partners, our suppliers and external stakeholders in business, industry and the professions in ways that are both socially responsible and mutually beneficial for our service communities, staff and the business.

Our pro bono work ensures that we can use our lawyers’ skills and legal knowledge to drive positive social impact.

Sustainability: as a business, we have been making great strides towards reducing the environmental impact of our operations and activities and we recognise the contribution we can make to support the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Initiatives and Partnerships

Below you will find a list of our key CSR initiatives and partnerships based on the 3 key themes identified above:




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238 Gray’s Inn Road, Bloomsbury, London WC1X 8HB
The Black Antelope Group Logo in white.
Black Antelope Law Logo in Dark Purple
Black Antelope Coaching Logo
Black Antelope ADR Logo